Sarcoptic mange is a skin condition caused by mites. These tiny creatures burrow into the skin, causing inflammation and itching. Sarcoptic mange can be a serious problem for dogs and cats, and is often difficult to treat. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the symptoms of sarcoptic mange, as well as how to diagnose and treat the condition. We will also provide tips on how to protect your pet from this pesky skin condition. So if you’re concerned about your pet’s health, read on to learn more about sarcoptic mange and how to treat it.
Sarcoptic Mites and Mange

SARCOPTIC MITES and DEMODEX MITES are often referred to as MANGE. The word mangy describes a ragged and uneven hair coat and damaged skin that results from mites affecting the skin and hair follicles. Mange is Sacroptic mite as seen under the microscope.responsible for many annoying and persistent problems in veterinary dermatology. Demodex mites in general are less troublesome than Sarcoptic mites, cause less itching and self-mutilation, and are not seen in adult dogs as often as Sarcoptic mites. The mite known as SCABIES, SARCOPTIC MITES or SARCOPTIC MANGE are highly communicable little bugs that actually dig tiny tunnels into the skin where they cause intense itching, inflammation and hair loss. Many, many cases of skin itching (called “pruritus”) in dogs and cats have been diagnosed by veterinarians as “Allergic Dermatitis” when in fact the pet had sarcoptic mites. (See the article called ITCH AND SCRATCH). The difficulty lies in the fact that Sarcoptic Mite infestation really does look like an allergic dermatitis because the skin is reacting to an irritant… just like an allergy! The intense itching results in self trauma, hair loss, and dry crusty skin lesions. In some cases the dog or cat can lose large areas of fur and literally be covered with crusts and scabs. Scabies mites can affect humans, as well. A swift diagnosis of sarcoptic mites is vital to the pet’s health and the well being of the pet’s owner. Generally, in healthy humans who are not immune suppressed, the Scabies Mites do not reproduce very readily and may simply “go away” without medical treatment. If you are in doubt about human cases of Scabies, consult your physician.
A further unfortunate happenstance with the misdiagnosis is that far too often veterinarians will quickly reach for the cortisone, for example Prednisone, as a way of combating the effects of the “Allergic Dermatitis”. The cortisone is not a cure… it simply lessens the itching and scratching and the dog or cat feels more comfortable. The danger here is that IF the pet really has scabies mites and NOT an allergic dermatitis, the mites welcome the cortisone with open arms… er, ah… I mean legs! And they have eight of ‘em! The cortisone allows the sarcoptic mites to reproduce more rapidly and decreases the dog or cat’s ability to defend against the mites. The mites have a reproductive festival after cortisone products are administered.
And here’s another problem… sarcoptic mites are very elusive. Ordinarily, skin scrapings are utilized to pick up mites from the skin, a few drops of solution is applied to the scraping and the substance is examined under the microscope for the presence of mites. Cheyletiella are easy to find, Demodex are easy to find, ear mites are easy to find… scabies mites seldom are found. Take as many scrapings as you like, even go deep into the skin, and the odds are that you still will not find the scabies mites. This has led many an unwary veterinarian down the road to misdiagnosis. After all, if no mites are found on this itchy, inflamed pet with hair loss and skin sores, it must be an allergic dermatitis, right?
Some veterinary schools who accept referrals to their dermatology specialists will not accept a pet for allergy testing until a trial treatment of Ivermectin medication is used first. Then, if the pet is still itching and scratching after a few weeks trial period, they will consider examination the dog or cat for allergy testing and treatment. That’s how common it is for Sarcoptic mites to be mistaken for Allergic Dermatitis… the specialists want mites to be ruled out first before they begin allergy testing. There is a new product, described below, available to your veterinarian from Pfizer Animal Health that may be an excellent medication for the treatment of Sarcoptic Mites.
What is Ivermectin?

NOTE: Some veterinarians believe that Ivermectin should NOT be used in Collies, Shelties and other herding breeds. Thoroughly discuss the use of Ivermectin in herding breeds with the veterinarian before using this product in these breeds and consider alternate therapies if there is any uncertainty regarding the safety issue. |
This amazing chemical has been used for years as a large animal (farm animal) dewormer. It is also the active ingredient in the famous Heartworm preventative called Heartgard. Scientists and practitioners found out that if used IN THE CORRECT DOSE, Ivermectin, either injected or given orally, can kill sarcoptic mites! This is a fabulous discovery since dogs no longer have to endure chemical dips and sprays to eliminate scabies mites. The Ivermectin, IN THE CORRECT DOSE, can successfully treat dogs for sarcoptic mites.
FROM THE WASHI8NGTON STATE UNIVERSITY VETERINARY SCHOOL website: It is well known that Collies and related breeds can have adverse reactions to drugs such as ivermectin, loperamide (Imodium®), and others. It was previously unknown why some individual dogs were sensitive and others were not. Advances in molecular biology at the Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory at Washington State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine have led to the discovery of the cause of multi-drug sensitivity in affected dogs. The problem is due to a mutation in the multi-drug resistance gene (MDR1). This gene encodes a protein, P-glycoprotein, that is responsible for pumping many drugs and other toxins out of the brain. Dogs with the mutant gene can not pump some drugs out of the brain as a normal dog would, which may result in abnormal neurologic signs. The result may be an illness requiring an extended hospital stay–or even death.
A test has recently been developed at Washington State University to screen for the presence of the mutant gene*. Instead of avoiding drugs such as ivermectin in known susceptible breeds, veterinarians can now determine if a dog is normal, in which case the drug can be administered or abnormal, in which case an alternative treatment can be given. Owners and breeders can submit samples for testing. All that is needed for the test is a cheek brush sample that can be obtained by the owner and sent by mail for analysis.
Affected Breeds
Approximately 3 of every 4 Collies in the United States have the mutant MDR1 gene. The frequency is about the same in France and Australia, so it is likely that most Collies worldwide have the mutation. The MDR1 mutation has also been found in Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties). Australian Shepherds, Old English Sheepdogs, German Shepherds, Long-haired Whippets, Silken Windhounds, and a variety of mixed breed dogs.
The only way to know if an individual dog has the mutant MDR1 gene is to have the dog tested. As more dogs are tested, more breeds will probably be added to the list of affected breeds.
Ivermectin is not approved to be used in this manner. So your veterinarian should let you know this prior to getting your permission to utilize Ivermectin therapy in the treatment of scabies in dogs and cats. You can retain some confidence to know that it is in common usage, and has been for a number of years, for the treatment of scabies in pets. It simply has not been tested by the manufacturer and approved by the FDA to be used in this manner. You are on your own, you and your veterinarian, in the decision-making arena regarding whether or not to use it to treat sarcoptic mites. Your alternative is to use insecticide dips and sprays. Additionally, if the wrong dosage is given, the pet can have a very serious and even fatal reaction to Ivermectin. The correct dose MUST be given and great care taken not to give too much.
All pets in contact with an affected animal should be treated since there can be asymptomatic carriers (they have the disorder but aren’t showing any signs of disease) of the sarcoptic mites. Pfizer Animal Health has released a new product called Revolution that is approved for use on dogs for the elimination of Sarcoptic mites. Be sure to ask your veterinarian about this.
There are a number of treatments available to eliminate Sarcoptic Mites from dogs and the veterinarian will decide which may be best for each individual case. All dogs with scabies mites need to be on a high quality, meat-based diet… and many will benefit from supplements such as Vitamins and Fatty acids.
Many types of dermatological problems are avoided if the dog or cat is consuming an optimum diet. In some cases, adding a supplement such as DermCaps, a popular Omega Fatty Acid supplement with a number of beneficial ingredients, is the key factor in avoiding repeated episodes of Hot Spots and other skin afflictions. If your dog or cat seems to lack good coat and skin health, consider upgrading the diet to a meat-based ingredient formula and adding a supplement such as DermCaps.
Sarcoptic mites are tiny creatures that can cause significant damage to the skin. If you are experiencing symptoms such as red, itchy, or swollen skin, it is likely that you have sarcoptic mites on your skin. Sarcoptic mites are most commonly found on the face, but they can also be found on the scalp, neck, arms, and hands. If left untreated, sarcoptic mites can lead to severe skin damage and even dermatitis. If you think you may have sarcoptic mites, please consult a dermatologist for treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
What animals are affected by sarcoptic mange?
Wild canids including red foxes, coyotes, grey wolves, and red wolves are frequently reported to have sarcoptic mange, which can afflict both domestic and wild species. The western grey squirrel, the eastern grey squirrel, the fox squirrel, and very infrequently bobcats have all been recorded to have notoedric mange, which is often squirrel-specific.
What kills sarcoptic mange?
A few well-liked oral flea medications that work against both fleas and ticks are Nexgard®, Simparica®, Bravecto®, and Credelio®. Either of these will eliminate sarcoptic mange mites in a single dose with the same ease with which they deal with fleas and ticks.
What are the first signs of mange?
Itching, redness, and rash.
hair fall.
lesions and sores.
crusty, scaly, or scabby skin.