The Iditarod-Alaska’s last great race

The Iditarod, often referred to as “Alaska’s Last Great Race,” is one of the most iconic and challenging sled dog races in the world. Spanning nearly 1,000 miles of Alaska’s rugged wilderness, this race is a true test of endurance, skill, and teamwork between mushers and their sled dogs. Each year, teams brave freezing temperatures, treacherous terrain, and fierce competition as they journey from Anchorage to Nome, honoring the traditions of Alaska’s sled dog culture and the historic serum run of 1925. In this post, we’ll delve into the fascinating history, challenges, and spirit of the Iditarod.

It is cold, oh, so cold, and snow is swirling in the fierce wind. The dogs plod on, their rhythmic panting and the steady shhhhh of the sled runners the only sound. The musher stands on the rear of the sled, his face almost completely covered against the bitter cold, his arm crooked around the handlebar so he can doze without falling off. There’s a rest stop a few miles ahead at Kaltag, and the team is making good time. In only an hour or so, he can bed down the dogs, sip a cup of hot chocolate, and grab a few hours of real sleep before hitting the trail that crosses the Nulato Hills on the way to Unalakleet.

The Iditarod- Alaska’s last great race

Then it’s less than 270 miles along Norton Sound to Nome, the end of the trail, the end of the adventure.

The musher is one of dozens who started the Iditarod sled dog race from Anchorage to Nome – officially to commemorate the contributions of courageous mail carriers through the Alaskan interior but in reality an occasion to pit themselves against the elements, to prove their courage and ingenuity in the face of adversity, and to meet the land on its own terms – and to do all three with the company of their dogs.

The Iditarod began in 1967, the centennial celebration year of the purchase of Alaska from Russia, as a project of Joe Reddington Sr. and history buff Dorothy Page.Reddington wanted to revive sled dog racing and the culture it represented and Page was looking for an event to honor the mushers and the dogs who played a large part in the settlement of the state. The race was patterned after the All-Alaska Sweepstakes races held early in the century.

The new race was named the Iditarod Trail Leonhard Seppala Memorial Race to pay tribute to the prospectors who boosted frontier economy by discovering and mining the gold in them thar hills and to mushers who carried diphtheria serum to Nome in 1925 to end an epidemic among the natives in that city. Seppala ran the last leg of the serum journey. Iditarod is a small town in the state’s interior, taken from the Eskimo word Haiditarod, meaning a far, distant place. Gold was discovered in a creek near the town in 1908, and the great Alaska gold rush was on.

Each year, the Iditarod begins in early March and runs for a bit more than two weeks. Early finishers cover the 1100 miles in about 9-11 days; the last to cross the finish line take about 15-16 days. The trail is peppered with rest stops where veterinarians check the dogs and mushers leave any dogs that are sick or too tired to continue. Mushers carry limited supplies on their sleds; bush pilots fly dog food to the rest stops. At least three rest stops are mandatory layovers of specific duration, two for eight hours, another for 24 hours.

Temperatures along the trail can run from -40º F to 50º F, and conditions can vary from crisp, clear winter days to blizzards, from snow-covered or icy trails to bare tundra. Wildlife can be a problem; experienced competitor Susan Butcher lost two dogs to a moose that was trapped in a steep-sided portion of the prepared trail and attacked her team.

Once on the trail, dogs settle into a steady trot. The lead dog follows instructions to “gee,” turn right, or “haw,” turn left. The team of up to 16 dogs spreads behind the leader in pairs. The wheel dogs— those closest to the sled— are often the heaviest on the team and bear the burden of the load. The swing dogs— those directly behind the leader— help turn the sled to follow the leader. The team dogs—between the swing pair and the wheel dogs— provide the steady pace that gets the whole shebang from one checkpoint to the next.

The rules

Although the Iditarod celebrates the toughness and pioneer spirit of the mushers, the race is governed by strict rules that protect dogs, handlers, and the integrity of the race. Top consideration is given to the health of the dogs. Every dog death is examined and mushers face discipline if the death is determined to be the result of negligence or cruelty.

one pair of snow shoes with bindings, each shoe to be at least 252 square inches in size;

Mushers must wear a numbered bib for identification and carry the following supplies on the sled:

a proper cold weather sleeping bag weighing a minimum of five pounds;

an ax, head to weigh a minimum of 1.75 pounds and handle to be at least 22 inches long;

one pair of snow shoes with bindings, each shoe to be at least 252 square inches in size;

promotional material provided by the ITC;

eight booties for each dog in the sled or in use;

one operational cooker and pot capable of boiling at least three gallons of water; and

a notebook, to be presented to the veterinarian at each checkpoint. The notebook is for the musher to record information about the dogs and for the veterinarians to examine; the rest of the gear may be checked at most checkpoints.

The musher must use a sled or toboggan that is large enough to carry injured or fatigued dogs under a cover. He can ship one or two extra sleds to checkpoints along the trail and switch if necessary. No sled can be used more than once unless it is to replace one that has broken.The maximum number of dogs on a team at the start is 16, the minimum is 12. At least five dogs must remain at the end of the race. No dogs can be added after the start of the race and all dogs must be either hitched to the tow line or riding on the sled. Mushers must exhibit good sportsmanship, cannot accept help along the trail except in emergencies, and must care for their own teams.

If a musher kills an edible big game animal such as a moose in self-defense along the tail, he must stop and gut the animal before proceeding. Any mushers that come upon the scene must stay and help. The gutted animal must be reported at the next checkpoint. Mushers must sign in at each checkpoint and sign in and out at all mandatory stops. Each musher must take one 24-hour stop during the race at a time that is most beneficial to the dogs. In additional to the 24-hour layover, he must take two eight hour stops at designated checkpoints.

Dog welfare

The Iditarod dogs are a conglomeration of mixes known collectively as Alaskan Huskies. These dogs are basically northern stock, bred, born, and raised in some of the toughest climate conditions in the world. They have thick double coats against the cold and wind, big hearts and lungs for stamina, tight feet for hours on the trail, and a desire to run. They are well-conditioned for the race with year-round training and participation in other races during the season.

The rules require the dogs to be maintained in good condition without the use of drugs. Injured, fatigued, or sick dogs must be dropped from the race at a designated dog drop. The musher must file a form when leaving the dog and provide a chain and food for the animal. Dropped dogs are flown to Nome where the musher can pick them up after the race.

Dog harnesses must be non-chafing, and mushers must carry a tie-out cable to secure the dogs at checkpoints.Cruel and inhumane treatment, defined as any treatment that causes preventable pain or suffering to the dog, is forbidden.

Race opposition

In 1985, Libby Riddles left Shaktoolik in a blizzard, 229 miles from Nome and the finish line. The other front runners waited out the storm, and Riddles became the first woman to win the Iditarod. However, her victory, followed by four wins by Susan Butcher, brought turmoil to the honorable race. These two personable and tough women captured the attention of the nation; the publicity drew television coverage and animal rights activists, major sponsors dropped out and network television companies stopped broadcasting the race. The tide has turned in recent years, however; the sponsors are returning and Nature produced Sled Dogs: An Alaskan Epic for airing on PBS, the public television network.

The activist campaign was led by the Humane Society of the US. HSUS accused mushers and promoters of tolerating cruelty in the raising and training of the dogs and the running of the race itself. The activists cited the culling methods of some marginal mushers (who sometimes clubbed unwanted puppies to death) and the death of two or three dogs on the trail each year. Rather than clean the bad apples out of the barrel, they indicted the whole system as inhumane.

There is no doubt that the Iditarod race tests the mettle of man, woman, and dog. It is a challenge in an era when physical trials are all too rare. Those who participate enjoy pushing themselves to the limits and revel in the partnership they build with their dogs. A musher knows his dogs intimately. He learns which dogs have the heart for the big race and which would rather remain in the kennel. He knows which ones can withstand the rigors of the trail and which ones cannot. He is interested in working with his dogs, not punishing them beyond their endurance.

The Iditarod is more than just a race; it’s a celebration of courage, resilience, and the unbreakable bond between mushers and their dogs. This legendary event continues to captivate audiences around the globe while preserving Alaska’s unique heritage. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the Iditarod, it’s hard not to be inspired by the determination and grit of its participants. Have you ever followed the Iditarod or dreamed of experiencing it in person? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Iditarod and why is it called “Alaska’s Last Great Race”?

The Iditarod is a world-famous sled dog race spanning nearly 1,000 miles from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska. It’s called “Alaska’s Last Great Race” because of its extreme challenges, historical significance, and the endurance required by mushers and their sled dogs.

How long does the Iditarod take to complete?

The duration of the Iditarod varies depending on weather conditions and team performance. On average, it takes mushers and their sled dogs about 8-15 days to complete the nearly 1,000-mile journey.

What is the historical significance of the Iditarod?

The Iditarod commemorates the 1925 serum run to Nome, where sled dog teams transported life-saving diphtheria antitoxin across Alaska to combat an outbreak. This event inspired the modern race and highlights the vital role sled dogs played in Alaska’s history.

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